Health and Saftey
When thinking of lacrosse, full contact and hitting with sticks might come to mind. In girls’ lacrosse intentional contact is not allowed till high school. When teaching girls at Halos we try and teach them how to play without contact. This doesn’t mean there won’t be inadvertent contact between players. We take players health and safety very seriously. We always have a first aid kit and ice packs. If there is ever a head injury, we will have players sit out. If a parent is at practice we will notify the parent, then you as the parent will make the decision on allowing them back during that practice or taking them to get check out by a doctor. As our coaching staff is not licensed medical professionals, they cannot give medical advice or suggestions.
It is very important to understand the signs of a concussion. As many might seem like things you could attribute to a child being a bad mood, hungry, or tired.