Halos Gear Reco’s

  • Recomended Stick

    The type of stick you stat your daughter with is very important, it can affect the difficulty of skills. Starting out you want a firm plastic head that doesn’t bend easly when Scooping. Along with a head with a mesh pocket, more like a boy’s stick. Finally, length is important to long of stick makes it harder to handle.

  • Goggles

    Goggles are just as important as the stick; you want to make sure you get a pair that your daughter thinks feel comfortable. These are going to protect her eyes and face. It’s a great idea to teach her how to adjust them, so as she’s playing if they loosen or feel too tight, she can fix on her own.

  • Additional Information:

    HALOS is a program for girls from 1st to 4th grade. ALL SKILL LEVELS. We break the classes up into different groups. It allows us to tweak the drills a bit so everyone feels comfortable and challenged at the same time. If your daughter is only the older side but new to the game, don’t be shy- we can’t wait to have you! Feel free to reach out to Coach Caroline for questions anytime: caroline@scoopslax.com

    We recommend wearing your hair back in a ponytail. Bring a water bottle, an extra sweatshirt in case you get cold, a solid pair of sneakers (no turf shoes required), and don’t forget to bring your HALOS jersey with you to every class.